Frequently asked questions

"How long will it take for my order to arrive?"

Orders are processed and prepared for dispatch, this usually takes 2-5 business days. Delivery times can vary from 1-3 weeks (business days) from the date of purchase, unless specifically stated in the product description, we ship your order worldwide. Some special sales may also offer priority shipping which can take 3-8 days. Shipping times can be found in the product description for all products and can sometimes vary depending on the item.

"How does shipping work?"

TRENDCOM works with global merchants and quality artisans to bring you the best prices and the most amazing innovative products. This means your order is shipped from all over the world. The shipping methods we use for most of our shipments are Aras Cargo

Because we ship directly from our partners and many of our products are in high demand, it may take 1-3 weeks (business days) for your items to arrive. If you purchase different items, you may likely receive more than one package.

Please don't worry if it doesn't show up right away. We provide tracking numbers with every order.

We offer email support to help you at any time, We are always an email away and offer very fast response times. If you need help please contact us.